The Love Lasts Two Minds / Liang Shi Huan ( 两世欢 ) Episode 2

Scene 1

General Li Yuan, asked for cooperation between the Kingdom by marriage.

The man in the palanquin called Li Yuan, he was a General who came from the Ji Kingdom. General Li Yuan asked King Zhao Zhou to establish The Kingdom friendly relations by the marriage. He said that he saw a woman he ever liked got in Zhao Zhou palace, and King Zhao Zhou promised General Li Yuan to approve that marriage petition. When General Li Yuan showed the painting of the woman he wanted to marry, the Princess Ze Sheng, Aunt Zi Xia, and Jing Ci were shocked because what they saw in the painting was Feng Mian Wan. Jing Ci immediately said to General Li Yuan that General Li Yuan might be mistaken because Feng Mian Wan had never left the Zhao Zhou Kingdom since he was a child, so she would ever meet with General Li Yuan.

Scene 2

King Zhao Zhou asked Jing Ci to agree that marriage petition.

King Zhao Zhou knew that Jing Ci was not willing if Mian Wan would be married by General Li Yuan, then King Zhao Zhou also reminded Jing Ci that General Li Yuan had a very great status, General Li Yuan was not only a part of the Kingdom Ji family. , but he's a big general who holds the military horn of the Ji Kingdom. This time General Li Yuan asked to marry a servant, so how could it be rejected by King Zhao Zhou. If he did not approve that would damage the good relations between the Zhao Zhou and ji Kingdoms, Jing Ci said that King Zhao Zhou has agreed to join the Yong Kingdom when his minister came, The marriage petition with the Ji Kingdom might damage the cooperative relationship with the Yong Kingdom, but that reason cannot change King Zhao Zhou's decision. Jing Ci had to accept that decision.

Scene 3

Mian Wan asked General Li Yuan to cancel the marriage.

Mian Wan went to look for General Li Yuan to cancel this marriage, cause he did not want to get married far away from her place. General Li Yuan knew the real reason why Mian Wan did not want to marry him, that cause of Mian Wan liked Jing Ci. General Li Yuan advised Mian Wan to give up her feelings, because, from Jendral Li Yuan opinion, Jing Ci did not have the same feelings towards Mian Wan, especially having the intention to make Mian Wan be his wife and would take care of Mian Wan forever so that General Li suggested that Mian Wam still should to marry him and join him back to the Ji Kingdom.

Scene 4

Jing Ci fainted because of tired.

Jing Ci worked hard to find a way to thwart Mian Wan's marriage. He and his servant A Heng were looking at the source of the reason why General Li Yuan insisted on marrying Mian Wan. Evidently, Jing Ci's actions were disliked by King Zhao Zhou, because King Zhao Zhou suspected that Jing Ci was investigating about his past, and also assumed that Jing Ci had no intention at all to marry his daughter Ze Sheng. Jing Ci's hard work to find that source of the reason made him the faint cause of tiredness. Jing Ci finally advised by his best friend Zuo Yan Xi who works as a physician for the condition of his body which since birth is already weak, and should be more to rest.

Scene 5

Qing Li is the Yuan's Family daughter.

In the Yong, there was indeed a woman who had the same face as Mian Wan, that woman was named Yuan Qing Li. Qing Li is the Yuan's family daughter who is famous for her beauty, tenderness, and intelligence in literature and music, that is why many men like to approach her. Qing Li always showed a kind and friendly attitude to the men who approached her. Jing Ci asked his best friend Zuo Yan Xi to meet Qing Li. Qing Li is very smart, so she can guess what is the reason Jing Ci wants to meet him.

Scene 6

Qing Li and Jing Ci, they were meeting for the first time.

Jing Ci offered to cooperate with Qing Li because she knew that the woman in General Li Yuan's painting was Yuan Qing Li and not Feng Mian Wan. Two years ago, Generals Li Yuan and Qing Li met and loved each other when General Li Yuan came to the Yong Kingdom to negotiate conciliation between the Ji and Yong  Kingdoms, but the negotiations failed, that make General Li and Qing Li could not to go on to love each other. When General Li Yuan returned to his kingdom, he drove away all the concubines in his residence, and never touched another woman. While Qing Li's attitude also changed drastically because of this incident. Qing Li always gives off her smile and subdues the men in the Yong Kingdom.

Scene 7

Mian Wan and A Heng, Mian Wan was going to escape from the palace.

Mian Wan did not know if Jing Ci had found a way to prevent Mian Wan from getting married to the Ji Kingdom, and had also cooperated with Yuan Qing Li to exchange identities between Mian Wan and Qing Li when they were on the way to the Ji Kingdom. That why she decided to escape from the palace at night, but she was captured again by Eunuch King Zhao Zhou and A Heng Jing Ci's servant, so he was brought back to the palace. Eunuch King Zhao Zhou warned A heng to watch over Mian Wan seriously and was not to run away again, because this marriage was very important to establish good relations between the Zhao Zhou and the Ji Kingdom.

Scene 8

Mian Wan was sad because Jing Ci didn't say anything even though she was going to get married.

Mian Wan was sad because he noticed Jing Ci not do anything even though he would soon be married to the Ji Kingdom. Whereas Jing Ci's mind was that he could not tell Mian Wan the plan he had drawn up, because he was afraid that if Mian Wan knew everything, would make this plan failed, he assumed that the fewer people knew of the plan, then the plan's success would be even greater. Jing Ci only said in the end that he would be the Zhao Zhou Minister who followed Mian Wan at the wedding. All the problems at the wedding were left to him.

Last Scene

King Zhao Zhou and Mian Wan, Mian Wan met the king for the last time.

The wedding event finally arrived. Mian Wan went to see King Zhao Zhou say goodbye. King Zhao Zhou said that he knew that Mian Wan was not willing to be married to the Kingdom of Ji, but rather than the two Kingdoms fighting each other which would lead to countless deaths. What does it mean to sacrifice a Mian Wan, Mian Wan only answered, if he never understood why the one who had to sacrifice was him, but now he no longer needed to understand. because if everyone thinks he has to get married, then he will get married.


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