The Love Lasts Two Minds / Liang Shi Huan ( 两世欢 ) Episode 4

Scene 1

Mian Wan changed Xiao Feng's name to Xiao Huai.

Mian Wan was not wonted with his new life, even more, when he heard that he had been arranged marriage with a man named Mu Bei Yan. He decided to leave his house, together with Xiao Lu, his servant. As they took shelter inside the Temple to wait for the rain to stop, they heard a strange noise. The strange sound made Xiao Lu frightened, it turned out that the sound came from Xiao Feng (Jing Ci was looking for the same bird as Xiao Feng that he killed, to comfort Mian Wan). Mian Wan liked seeing Xiao Feng without knowing that she was its owner. Seeing Xiao Feng obey him, Mian Wan decided to keep after Xiao Feng by giving it a new name, Xiao Huai.

Scene 2

Mian Wan and Mr. Li Fei met for the first time.

Mian Wan and Xiao Lu her servants stopped and rested to eat. While they were waiting for food to arrive, suddenly some men who look like delinquent pointed and attacked to them, Mian Wan who felt those some man had come to arrest him, immediately counterattacked. Behind Mian Wan there were two men who were resting too, one man was attacking with Mian Wan, while the other one ran under the table to hide. evidently those men came to attack Mr. Li Fei who was hiding under the table, he is the Qing He City District Chief Officer.

Scene 3

Fu Xiao Han helped Jing Ci when he was attacked by a killer.

Jing Ci had a guest who brings a letter from the palace at his residence. But evidently, the guest plans to attack and kill Jing Ci. Suddenly came a woman who helped Jing Ci. The woman killed the killer, Jing Ci calmly asked who she was, the woman replied that she was named Fu Xiao Han, she was from the Fei Lian bodyguards federation, she was sent by Zuo Yan Xi, Jing Ci best friend, to protect Jing Ci in secret. Feeling safe with Xiao Han, Jing Ci examined the body of the murderer who was dead. Jing Ci saw the killer's hand wearing a bracelet made of stone, Xiao Han explained that the stone bracelet was symbolic of Qing He County, then Jing Ci decided to go to Qing He City to find out who planned to kill him.

Scene 4 

Mian Wan became a guard officer in Qing He City.

When Mian Wan ran away from the house, she had changed herself as a man to make it easier to move. Mr. Li Fei saw Mian Wan's martial arts prowess, asked Mian Wan as a guard officer in Qing He City. Mian Wan accepted the offer because her luggage was stolen by an unknown person when a fight at the place Mian Wan and Mr. Li Fei were resting. Mian Wan changed her name to A Yuan. One day Mian Wan caught a criminal in a temple. During a fight, she accidentally broke the temple door. so that makes Mian Wan have to get punished. The nun of the temple was given a punishment that she must maintain the water supply in the temple for 10 days.

Scene 5

Mian Wan and Jing Ci met again after Mian Wan lost her memory.

Jing Ci and Mian Wan were reunited in Qing He City. Mian Wan immediately liked Jing Ci at first sight. Mian Wan who was be charmed blocked the Jing Ci palanquin that wants to pass. Suddenly appeared a woman who wants to attack Jing Ci, she threw her secret weapon at Jing Ci. Mian Wan, who has a soul always protect the weak, helped Jing Ci by parrying off the secret weapon. The female assassin saw his weapon parried by Mian Wan, she threw again the secret weapon at Mian Wan, this time Mian Wan was helped by Jing Ci, Jing Ci parrying the second secret weapon. The two of them meet again at the event.

Scene 6

Mian Wan, Mian Wan admitted that he was the one who hurt Jing Ci's leg.

The reunited of Jing Ci and Mian Wan reminded Jing Ci of the past where her leg was injured. When Mian Wan admitted that the one who slashed ​​both Jing Ci's legs and also left him in the middle of the forest to become wolf eats. Mian Wan admitted that she held a hatred for 18 years, keep the pain of being bullied. Mian Wan admitted that she really hated Jing Ci and also Aunt Zi Xia. Mian Wan's admission shocked Jing Ci and he decided to leave and go their separate ways. Jing Ci gave Mian Wan a memory reliever so that Mian Wan would forget everything that had happened in her life and be able to start a new life without having hatred in her heart.

Scene 7

Mian Wan asked Xiao Lu about love at first sight.

Mian Wan told her servant Xiao Lu that since she saw Jing Ci, her mind and heart were filled with Jing Ci. although Mian Wan's story made Xiao Lu shocked, she was glad that her miss was a normal woman who still liked a man. Before she ran away from the house, Xiao Lu felt that her miss was not normal because she didn't like the handsome men who approached her before. Xiao Lu explained that it was love at first sight. Xiao Lu then taught Mian Wan how in the past Mian Wan had melted the hearts of men by only moving one finger and blinking one eye.

Scene 8

Jing Ci and Mian Wan, Mian Wan was looking for Jing Ci to tease her.

Mian Wan who listened to Xiao Lu's story how great she was when she melted a man's heart. Mian Wan looked for Jing Ci at the inn where Jing Ci was staying to practice her prowess in attracting men to Jing Ci. When meeting with Jing Ci, Mian Wan gave her sweet smile, invited Jing Ci to eat, and even bought an umbrella for Jing Ci. Mian Wan said that Jing Ci's skin is very white, must be Jing Ci doesn't like sunbathing. Jing Ci replied that he was out of his inn now because he wanted to sunbathe. In the end Jing Ci affirmed to Mian Wan not to follow him. Mian Wan stopped following Jing Ci. Mian Wan was confused, why did Jing Ci's heart not melt , why isn't it the same as what Xiao Lu told her that the blink of her eyes can melt the hearts of all men, is there something wrong with the wink?

Last Scene

Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu is worried about her miss, because she hasn't come home yet.

Xiao Lu felt it strange that Mian Wan had not returned from her duties, look after of the water supply for the temple, even though today was the last day Mian Wan did the punishment give by the Head of the Nun. Xiao Lu decided to go after. Mian Wan had just woken up from the effects of the dope. Mian Wan remembers that before she was drinking tea with the Head of the Nun. The Head of the Nun wanted to ask Mian Wan to send a letter to anyone because the Head of the Nun asked that it was uncomfortable to leave the temple. Without realizing that the tea they were drinking had been given dope, so they were both unconscious. When Mian Wan regained awareness, she saw the Head of the Nun sitting above her and had been dead because of a sword stab behind his back.


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